Emotional Intelligence means growing your Awareness. 

Being more ‘Savvy’ is good for your business

brain resembles an iceberg with frogmen



We don’t know what we don’t know!! 


We all have Hidden Depths to draw upon when times are tough.

 What if you could ‘Tap into that deep reservoir of knowledge’ every day!!

Access your special SUPER POWERS to be that brilliant confident person you’ve always wanted to be!




Find out about your hidden powers and learn what makes you really tick.

Work with DevelopMental to clear old patterns and be that dynamic person.

Step 1  AWARENESS TRAINING  Learn about what makes you tick.

Step 2   ACTIVATE   Make the Change you know you need to make.

Step 3   ACCEPT  Don’t waste time on the things that aren’t yours to worry about.



 Step 4   APPRECIATE  Get out of that negative destructive spiral

Step 5    AUTHORITY  You have the power to make that change.

Step 6    ACTIVE RELAXATION  Engage your body in the learning and

get out of your head

Step 7    BE ACCOUNTABLE  Set realistic goals within a clear framework


What are your triggers for succes?  What are your triggers for failure?

What are your triggers and how do you react?

Awareness Training puts you in charge of monitoring, week by week, your responses to people and events so that you can make informed decisions and become proactive to effect change. You’ll keep a journal to reflect and see the difference week by week.


Make the changs you know you need to make.  What’s been holding you back?

What do you want to change in your life?

It’s all about you. Accept the challenge to make those small shifts that can have a huge effect on your growth and wellbeing. 


Learn to accept what you can’t change. 

Like traffic lights for example:) Don’t waste your energy on emotions that are destructive. Stopy worrying about things that are outside your remit.


Let go of the negatives 

Your MINDSET can really change your life. Being  a ‘glass half full’ person can have some benefits but CATASTROPHISING and thinking the worst can attract the negatives. Positive thinking can change your life.


Get out of your head and into your body

That Mind Body interaction is crucial to our good health.  Learn simple movements which together with breath work will engage the Parasympathetic Nervous System to reduce stress and cut that Mind Chatter.


Make the Change You Know You Need

What’s been holding you back?

Step 1 Awareness Training  Learn about what makes you tick.

What are your triggers and how do you react? Awareness Training puts you in charge of monitoring, week by week, your responses to people and events so that you can make informed decisions and become proactive to effect change. You’ll keep a journal to reflect and see the difference week by week.


Make the Change You Know You Need

What’s been holding you back?

Step 1 Awareness Training  Learn about what makes you tick.

What are your triggers and how do you react? Awareness Training puts you in charge of monitoring, week by week, your responses to people and events so that you can make informed decisions and become proactive to effect change. You’ll keep a journal to reflect and see the difference week by week.


Make the Change You Know You Need

What’s been holding you back?

Step 1 Awareness Training  Learn about what makes you tick.

What are your triggers and how do you react? Awareness Training puts you in charge of monitoring, week by week, your responses to people and events so that you can make informed decisions and become proactive to effect change. You’ll keep a journal to reflect and see the difference week by week.

Discover the Best You

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.orem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s


Step 2 Activate What do you want to change in your life? 

It’s all about you. Accept the challenge to make small shifts that can have a huge effect on your growth and wellbeing.


What’s Holding You Back?


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum
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